Sandshrew's Pokémon Home - Pokémon RPG - Rules

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Pokémon Online Roleplaying Game

The Game

- The game will be played on my chat, or, preferably, through ICQ. We will gather and we'll start playing like a roleplaying game.
- Here will be listed a list of members and ther wins and loses. Those who win most battles will be considered the best, and so, will have more money and more rights.
- You will start with a BASIC Pokémon #1 - #132. That's because we don't want Mewtwos and Aerodactyls as first Pokémon, and the Pokémon #133, Eevee, can Evolve into 3 different Pokémon...


- You will be identified by an ID number. You will have a name, also unique. You will start from a city you choose, each one described in the cities section.

The Quest

- You must carry no more than 6 Pokémon at a time.
- You can make a party of no more than 3 members, It'll make your Quest easier, but also, you'll train less your Pokémon.
- The map of the Pokémon world, the cities (even it's names)and the Pokémon locations are completely different from the game or the show, so don't bother.
- If you have a party, you must turn, to fightother Pokémon trainers, or you must decide who will fight that Pokémon or Trainer.

The Pokémon

- I will throw some dice (With a dice throwing program) To determine the attack, defense, speed and special of your Pokémon.
- You will, at the beginning of the game, choose 2 abilities for your Pokémon; I will show you the ones you can teach him and you choose 2. Your Pokémon learns those abilities.
- All Pokémon start the game at level 5.
- Your Pokémon gain experience by winning fights or by solving problems (for example, a Charmeleon would gain some experience if he helped pushing the Boulder in front of the cave entrance. the table of levels is listed below:
- If a Pokémon evolves, it gains experience more slowly than if it didn't evolve. Listed Below is the table for evolved Pokémon:
- Traded Pokémon gain more experience, but become less powerful. I will take all these in mind
- If a Pokémon evolves, YOU decide if the Pokémon evolves or stays like that. If it does, then I give you a new list of abilities, to choose 1 from the list. Your Pokémon learns that ability.
- If a Pokémon Advances a level, its defense, power, etc become bvetter, so I throw a dice to see how it improves (remember there are of 4 sides, of 8 sides, of 20 sides, etc,etc,etc).
- At certain levels, certain Pokémon learn new abilities. A Pokémon MAY learn that ability if it has Less than 5 abilities in their slots. For example, My Pikachu wants to learn Thunder, but it has its 4 slots filled. If you don't want Pikachu to removew one of its own abilities to learn Thunder, you don't. But If Pikachu only has only 2 slots filled, he must learn Thunder.

Pokémon Battles

- While we are roleplaying, I tell you a wild Pokémon has appeared.
- You decide (if you are in a party) Who and with which Pokémon will fight it. The one who fights it has the right to catch it!
- So you enter battle mode, and the rule #1 is ONLY 1 POKÉMON AT A TIME. First, you tell me what attack is your Pokémon using. I decide, before you tell me, which attack is the wild Pokémon using, I throw a dice to see who attacks first and the attack resolves.
- At any time, when you think it's Enough time, you can throw a Pokéball, and there is a chance to miss the Pokémon, or to not catch the Pokémon.
- If you faint the Pokémon, then you cannot attempt to catch it.

Trainer Battles

- Trainer battles ocurr in 2 ways:
1- You find an NPC (Not Playing Character) Trainer in the gam
2- A PC asks you a duel.

Finding an NPC

Basically the same than fighting a wild Pokémon, but if you lose, It will be counted as a lose, and you will lose money according to the city (or wilderness) And difficulty of the trainer. If you are in a party, another member of the parety can fight after you do, but it counts as a lost battle of the Party, but if you win, It'll be counted as a personal win. Also if youy win, you will win money, according to all the things mentioned before.

A PC asks you for a Duel
No, PC doesn't mean Personal Computer here. Here, it means Playing Character, and a PC can ask you a duel. This ocurrs like this:
- First, You both tell ME (by a private message) WQhat attack are your Pokémon using.
- Then, I roll a die to see who goes first. Thje die may have modifiers. EG. Suppose there is a battle within a Rattata and a Shellder. Rattata will use Quick attack and Shellder will use Withdraw. Obviously, The Rattata Attacks first, but there is a small probability that the Shellder acts first. So, I roll a 10 sided die. I decide that on a result of 10, the Shellder attacks first. So rattata has 9/10 probability to Attack first :)
- All Die rollings or anything to see if the Pokémon wakes up or damages itself in confusion take place
- Damage is taken and Pokémon become Paralized or asleep
- The battle continues like this, until someone wins.

Gym Battles

- There are 10 Badges in the game. It's 10 so all types of Pokémon are used to fight against in an important battle. You won't know the Powers of a badge until you get it.
- The Gym Members are considered NPC trainers
- The Gym Leaders will say 1 Pokémon vs 1 or 2 vs 2 or, very rare, 3 vs 3 Pokémon. If you win the battle, with Powerful Pokémon, You will win the Badge, You will know what the badge can do, You will receive a special TM or HM, And you will maybe receive a Pokémon or Information on where to find a Pokémon.

Trading Pokémon

- You can trade Pokémon with anyone, but the Pokémon will not be so faithful to you and may even ignore you! specially if you don't have enough Badges or if he loved his Master very much.

Members Area

- The members Area includes a List of Members with Number, Name, No of Pokémon he has caught, ICQ# and status, Wins/Loses, Some comments, and a Link to a page, maybe protected by a Password, where he can control his data on his Pokémon, on himself, his party, send messages, Ask me that he wants to win a badge, etc. Can also Ask for a duel, Fight in the Simulator, and many, many other things.
- There is a messageboard where you can discuss strategy, and many other thingies
- Here we can also discuss when and how will we join for a session!

The cities:

Azalea city: Home to the Pine Badge, won from Karla. Not so big city, but big enough.This city is also the home to Richard, the Pokémon Investigator.
Rose city: Home to the Flame Badge, won fron Hank. This big city, located at the west of Mt. Kuna, has a great Pokémon hotel.
Sunflower city: Home to the Shining badge, won from Sheena. This city, located at a port, recieves many tourists, and has a really big Pokémon Mall!
Lilie city: Home to the Thought Badge, which is won from Jack. Also, Mr. Future lives Here
Carnation city: This city doesn't hold any badge or Gym. On the way to Pokémon league, you can find with this city full with information and with people going to, or comong from, the Pokémon League.
Begonia city: An island, just accesible by sea. It is home to the River Badge and it has a great information on water Pokémon. If you have a Water Pokémon, I recommend this city.
Daisy city: Home to the Volt Badge. This city is known for it's Pokémon Lab, where Pokémon are investigated and traded
Statice city: Home to the Huming badge, won from Carl. It is also home to the greatest Pokémon trading center in the World!
Snapdragon city: Home to the Cave Badge. Pokémon trainers there are treated with great respect and is home to Kitara,the Pokémon investigator, once Pokémon master, So the city itself holds great information.
Aster city: This city doesn't hold any badges. Aparted from the rest of the cities, this city has its own secrets, and many Pokémon surround it.
Fuchsia city: This city is home to the Whisper Badge. Known by the great monument eriged to Pokémon and its trainers, this city holds many information.
Fressia city: This city holds the Wind badge. The many people who live there consider it the biggest city in the world! And it is!