Sandshrew's Pokémon Home - Contact us

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-ICQ Contact at the bottom of the page-

Hi! We are Sandshrew and Raytran, the makers of the page. Are you willing to make a suggestion, comment, question or request? Then use this form! Don't worry, i also hate this sites which say:

"If you want to be a part of thew staff/ask us a question/join this club, email us at"

OK! So wanna contact us? Choose who will you contact:

Raytran: Questions, comments, Fanfics, N64 games, Gameboy games, Gold/Silver...
Sandshrew: Requests, Suggestions, Anything related to Pokémon (The creatures, not the game. For example, Where can I find Marill? and not Where is the Power plant?)

To contact Raytran:

Write here your name:
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Write your Question, comment or whatever here:

Sandshrew sand Sandshrew:

Sandshrew sand:
Sand, Sandshrew sand:
Sand sand Sandshrew Sandshrew:
Shrew Shrew sand Sandshrew, Sandshrew sand:

Thank you! We will answer your request as soon as we can! Thank you!

ICQ things

Sandshrew doesn't have an ICQ number Yet, but mine, at least, is 47247577. My status is . Wether yuou got ICQ or not, use this thing to message me. I will recieve it instantly. Anyway, here it is:

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