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Sandshrew! Sandshrew! Sandsand!

This is The Pokémon Trainer Liscense webring. If you're interested in having one, you fill the form below and I will make you your very own Pokémon Liscense! It will acredite you with the right to catch and capture Pokémon. And, all the pokémon trainers that have this liscense, will have the right to pass to a special quiz tthat, if they answer correctly (I will change the quiz each month) they pass to the next stage: Pokémon Smart. If you win the next quiz, you get to be Gym Leader. If you win the next, you are a Pokémon Lover. The next, Pokémon Maniac, and the last one: Pokémon Master. I will list the people who got the liscense with its email and homepage below. Please get it! It's a chance to advertise your page, since it's like a webring. But:

--> You MUST have a webpage.

--> Your webpage must be about Pokémon.

--> You must have an email.

--> You must like Pokémon

These are the only things you need to have your liscence. Fill the form and don't worry about the HTML code. I will send it to you along with the URL of the page of the quiz you need to pass to the next stage.

Submit site to get the Pokémon liscense
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site, along with your favourite pokemon and tv character(ash, misty, etc.)

The liscense for Trainer will look like this:

List of sites in the Ring:

Get your own- Join the Ring!
I'm a Pokemon Trainer!
Previous 5 Sites | Skip Previous | Previous | Next | Skip Next | Next 5 Sites | Random Site | List Sites ]
ID #Name(click to E-mail)RankWebsiteFavourite PokémonFavourite CharacterICQ status
001NekkarTrainerSandshrew's Pokémon HomeSandshrewAsh
002DanielTrainerThe Pokémon LairCharizardJames
003PersianTrainerPersian's PokéballPonytaMisty
004PokémonMattTrainerPokémon Live!ZapdosAsh
005BenTrainerThe PokécomputerAllAsh
007AnnaTrainerSailor Moon and Pokémon RulesPikachuMisty

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