Sandshrew's Pokémon Home - Pokémon Red, Blue and Green - TMs and HMs

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#01. Mega Punch

#02. Razor Wind

#03. Swords Dance

#04. Whirlwind

#05. Mega Kick

#06. Toxic

#07. Horn Drill

#08. Body Slam

#09. Take Down

#10. Double Edge

#11. Bubblebeam

#12. Water Gun

#13. Ice Beam

#14. Blizzard

#15. Hyper Beam

#16. Pay Day

#17. Submission

#18. Counter

#19. Seismic Toss

#20. Rage

#21. Mega Drain

#22. Solarbeam

#23. Dragon Rage

#24. Thunderbolt

#25. Thunder

#26. Earthquake

#27. Fissure

#28. Dig

#29. Psychic

#30. Teleport

#31. Mimic

#32. Double Team

#33. Reflect

#34. Bide

#35. Metronome

#36. Self Destruct

#37. Egg Bomb

#38. Fire Blast

#39. Swift

#40. Skull Bash

#41. Softboiled

#42. Dream Eater

#43. Sky Attack

#44. Rest

#45. Thunder Wave

#46. Psywave

#47. Explosion

#48. Rock Slide

#49. Tri Attack

#50. Substitute




#1. Cut #2. Fly #3. Surf #4. Strength #5. Flash

Items List

Poké Ball: This ball will capture Pokémon weakened in battle.

Great Ball: This ball has a better chance of capturing Pokémon weakened in battle.

Ultra Ball: This ball will capture even stronger Pokémon than the Great Ball.

Safari Ball: You need this to capture Safari Zone Pokémon.

Master Ball: This ball will capture any Wild Pokémon.

Antidote: Cures poison

Burn Heal: Soothes Burns

Ice Heal: Heals frostbite

Awakening: Wakes up a dozing Pokémon.

Paralyz Heal: Heals paralyzed Pokémon.

Full Heal: Cures all conditions

Potion: Restores some of your Pokémon's HP (Health Points).

Super Potion: Restores more of your Pokémon's HP.

Hyper Potion: Restores more HP than Super Potion.

Max Potion: Completely restores HP.

Full Restore: Completely restores HP, and heals all conditions.

Revive: Revives a fallen Pokémon.

Max Revive: Revives a fallen Pokémon, and completely restores HP.´

Rare Candy: Increases a Pokémon's level by one.

HP Up: Increases Pokémon's HP level.

PP Up: Increases Pokémons PP (Power Points) level.

Protein: Increases Attack Power.

Iron: Increases Defense.

Carbos: Increases Speed.

Calcium: Increases Special Ability.

X Attack:Increases Attack during a battle.

X Defend:Increases Defense during a battle.

X Special:Increases Special only during battle.

X Speed:Increases Speed during battle.

X Accuracy:Increases Accuracy in a battle.

Guard Special:Disables enemy Pokémon's Special Attack.

Dire Hit:Increases your Pokémon's attack in battle.

Bike:Use this to travel quickly.

Escape Rope:Use this to escape a cave.

Repel, Super Repel, Max Repel:Keep weak Pokémon from attacking.

Poke Doll:A popular doll.

Silph Scope:Allows you to see Ghost Pokémon.

Poke Flute:Wakes up a sleeping Pokémon.

Old Rod, Good Rod, Super Rod:Use these to catch Water Pokémon.

Item Finder:Helps you find hidden items.

Exp. All:Shares Experience with Pokémon that didn't fight.

Coin:Use these at the Game Corner.

Coin Case: Holds up to 9,999 Game Corner Coins.

Fresh Water:Restores HP a little in battle.

Soda Pop:Restores some HP in battle.

Lemonade Restores:a lot of HP in battle.

Fire Stone:Makes certain Fire Pokémon evolve.

Thunder Stone:Makes certain Electric Pokémon evolve.

Water Stone:Makes certain Water Pokémon evolve.

Leaf Stone:Makes certain Grass Pokémon evolve.

Moon Stone:Makes certain Pokémon evolve(Clefairy Jigglypuff)

Helix Fossil:take to scientist on Cinnibar island to recieve rare Pokémon.

Dome Fossil: take to scientist on Cinnibar island to recieve rare Pokémon.

Old Amber: take to scientist on Cinnabar island to recieve rare Pokémon.

Boulder Badge:(Win From Brock) Flash Ability/Increases Power a little.

Cascade Badge:(Win From Misty) Cut Ability/Level 30 Pokémon obey you.

Thunder Badge:(Win From Lt. Surge) Fly Ability/Increases Speed a bit.

Rainbow Badge:(Win From Erika) Strength Ability/Level 50 Pokémon obey you.

Marsh Badge:(Win From Sabrina) Level 70 Pokémon obey you.

Soul Badge:(Win From Koga) Surf Ability/Increases Defense a little.

Volcano Badge:(Win From Blaine) Increases Special a little.

Earth Badge:(Win From Giovanni) All Pokémon obey you! Able to get into Pokémon League.

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