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Golem just sent out rocks to his opponent, Nidorina.

Nidorina Evades it! She then goes and bites him!

Goleemm.. GGol...

Golem?! He is poisoned! This battle will be cool!

Golem stands up... He makes himself a ball and starts rolling towards Nidorina. He hits! Nidorina is now in the floor.

Nidorina slowly moves her tail in a strange movement... Tail whip? Pin missile? Poison? What will she do???

A powder floats into the air... Golem can't move! Nidorina paralyzed him!



Wow! Was that leer? Whatever it was, Nidorina is now charging against Golem again!

But Golem is strong! He is standing up again! And in a fast movement, evades Nidorina's quick attack. Nidorina can't stop herself! Now Golem is sending rocks IN FRONT of her... I wonder what he will do?!


I understand! He sent a wall of rocks so Nidorina would crash into it!

Now Golem makes himself into a ball again and charmges!!! Nidorina flies up and then down and crashes again. She is fainted!

Golem 58%
Nidorina 42%

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