Sandshrew's Pokémon Home - Pokémon Fights - Charmander vs. Hinoarashi

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Charmander Char!

Charmander and Hinoarashi are both in the arena, ready to fight. This new trainer battle will be great.

The first two pokémon of the trainers start looking at the opponent. Hinoarashi Strikes first.

Hino! Hino! Hino! Hino! Hino!!!

A quick attack! Charmander is on the floor, but he quickly stands up. He starts moving his tail slowly, not letting his eyes separate one moment from Hinoarashi.

I wonder what will he do now??

Hinoarashi steps back. He looks like... Frightened?! What the hell?!

Leer! Charmander's taking advantage of this! He'll Body Slam Hinoarashi!


But... Hinoarashi just stood up and concentrated... A flaming sphere appears around him! Charmander Body slamed the wall and now he is more damaged! Hinoarashi didn't have a scratch!

But now Charmander has. Hinoarashi Slashed him with all he had and now Charmander is more fainted than OK! strange...


Charmander stands up with effort, and runs toward Hinoarashi... He tackles him!. He stands up again and scratches Hinoarashi.

Char! Char! Char! Char! Char! Char! Char! Char! Char! Char!!!

Rage!! Charmander will now fight till fainted or winner!

Hinoarashi uses Agility and "teleports" to safety. His Fire Sphere is broken now. But he starts concentrating again, and builds a new one! But now we know that Charmander can break it, so I wonder why he did it.


Charmander is running again towards Hinoarashi. He's about to reach him! Hinoarashi makes the ball move to the left... Charmander missed! Now Hinoarashi starts to roll, like a ball or something. He gains speed! He tackles Charmander and he goes flying to the air!


Charmander comes down again.... He is fainted! Hinoarashi won!!!

Hinoarashi 64%
Charmander 36%