Sandshrew's Pokémon Home - Pokémon Gameboy Games - Red, Blue, Green and Yellow - Pokémon Attacks

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Name Of Skill TM/HM Type Power Accuracy PP
Absorb grass 20 100 20
Acid poison 40 100 30
Acid Armor poison 100 40
Agility psychic 100 30
Amnesia psychic 100 20
Aurora Beam ice 65 100 20
Barrage normal 15 85 20
Barrier psychic 100 30
Bide TM34 normal 100 10
Bind normal 15 75 20
Bite normal 60 100 25
Blizzard TM14 ice 120 90 5
Body Slam TM08 normal 85 100 15
Bone Club ground 65 85 20
Bonemerang ground 50 90 10
Bubble water 20 100 30
Bubblebeam TM11 water 65 100 20
Clamp water 35 75 10
Comet Punch normal 18 85 15
Confuse Ray ghost 100 10
Confusion psychic 50 100 25
Constrict normal 10 100 35
Coversion normal 100 30
Counter TM18 fighting 100 20
Crabhammer water 90 85 10
Cut HM01 normal 50 95 30
Defence Curl normal 100 40
Dig TM28 ground 60 100 10
Disable normal 55 20
Dizzy Punch normal 70 100 10
Double-Edge TM10 normal 100 100 15
Double Kick fighting 30 100 30
Double Slap normal 15 85 10
Double Team TM32 normal 100 15
Dragon Rage TM23 Dragon 100 10
Dream Eater TM42 psychic 100 100 15
Drill Peck flying 80 100 20
Earthquake TM26 ground 100 100 10
Egg Bomb TM37 normal 100 75 10
Ember fire 40 100 25
Explosion TM47 normal 250 100 5
Fire Blast TM38 fire 120 85 5
Fire Punch fire 75 100 15
Fire Spin fire 15 70 15
Fissure TM27 ground 30 5
Flamethrower fire 95 100 15
Flash HM05 normal 70 20
Fly HM02 flying 70 95 15
Focus Energy normal 100 30
Fury Attack normal 15 85 20
Fury Swipes normal 18 80 15
Glare normal 75 30
Growl normal 100 40
Growth normal 100 40
Guillotine normal 30 5
Gust normal 40 100 35
Harden normal 100 30
Haze ice 100 30
Headbutt normal 70 100 15
High Jump Kick fighting 85 90 20
Horn Attack normal 65 100 25
Horn Drill TM07 normal 30 5
Hydo Pump water 120 80 5
Hyper Beam TM15 normal 150 90 5
Hyper Fang normal 80 90 15
Hynosis psychic 60 20
Ice Beam TM13 ice 95 100 10
Ice Punch ice 75 100 15
Jump Kick fighting 70 95 25
Karate Chop normal 50 100 25
Kinesis psychic 80 15
Leech Life bug 20 100 15
Leech Seed grass 90 10
Leer normal 100 30
Lick ghost 20 100 30
Light Screen psychic 100 30
Lovely Kiss normal 75 10
Low Kick fighting 50 90 20
Meditate psychic 100 40
Mega Drain TM21 grass 40 100 10
Mega Kick TM05 normal 120 75 5
Mega Punch TM01 normal 80 85 20
Metronome TM35 normal 100 10
Mimic TM31 normal 100 10
Minimize normal 100 20
Mirror Move flying 100 20
Mist ice 100 30
Night Shade ghost 100 15
Pay Day TM16 normal 40 100 20
Peck flying 35 100 35
Petal Dance grass 70 100 20
Pin Missile bug 14 85 20
Poison Gas poison 55 40
Poison Sting poison 15 100 35
Poisonpowder poison 75 35
Pound normal 40 100 35
Psybeam psychic 65 100 20
Psychic TM29 psychic 90 100 10
Psywave TM46 psychic 80 15
Quick Attack normal 40 100 30
Rage TM20 normal 20 100 20
Razor Leaf grass 55 95 25
Razor Wind TM02 normal 80 75 10
Recover psychic 100 20
Reflect TM33 psychic 100 20
Rest TM44 psychic 100 10
Roar normal 100 20
Rock Slide TM48 rock 75 90 10
Rock Throw rock 50 35 15
Rolling Kick fighting 60 85 15
Sand Attack normal 100 15
Scratch normal 40 100 30
Screech normal 85 40
Seismic Toss TM19 fighting 100 20
Self Destruct TM36 normal 200 100 5
Sharpen normal 100 30
Sing normal 55 15
Skull Bash TM40 normal 100 100 15
Sky Attack TM43 flying 140 90 5
Slam normal 80 75 20
Slash normal 70 100 20
Sleep Powder grass 75 15
Sludge poison 65 100 20
Smog poison 20 70 20
Smokescreen normal 100 20
Softboiled TM41 normal 50 100 10
Solarbeam TM22 grass 120 100 10
Sonic Boom normal 90 20
Spike Cannon normal 20 100 15
Splash normal 100 40
Spore grass 100 15
Stomp normal 65 100 20
Strength HM04 normal 80 100 15
String Shot bug 95 40
Struggle normal 50 100
Stun Spore grass 75 30
Submission TM17 fighting 80 80 25
Substitute TM50 normal 100 10
Super Fang normal 90 10
Supersonic normal 55 20
Surf HM03 water 95 100 15
Swift TM39 normal 60 100 20
Swords Dance TM03 normal 100 30
Tackle normal 35 95 35
Tail Whip normal 100 30
Take Down TM09 normal 90 85 20
Teleport TM30 psychic 20
Thrash normal 90 100 20
Thunder TM25 electric 120 70 10
Thunder Wave TM45 electric 100 20
Thunderbolt TM24 electric 95 100 15
Thunder Punch electric 75 100 15
Thundershock electric 40 100 30
Toxic TM06 poison 85 10
Transform normal 100 10
Tri Attack TM49 normal 80 100 10
Twineedle bug 25 100 20
Vice Grip normal 55 100 30
Vine Whip grass 35 100 10
Water Gun TM12 water 40 100 25
Waterfall water 80 100 15
Whirlwind TM04 normal 85 20
Wing Attack flying 60 100 35
Withdraw water 100 40
Wrap normal 5 85 20

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